We left town to another Iowa sunrise over a Grant Wood landscape. Technically, God created it, Wood tried to replicate it, and I would not try to compete. I kept my camera in my pocket.
We would only pass through 4 towns today, Hale, Oxford Junction, Lost Nation, and Calamus. To call Hale a town was a stretch. Middleburg (IA), by comparison would have to be called a Metropolis. The name Lost Nation gave me a bad feeling. I don't know about you, but I've had some concerns about our nation the last couple of years. Oops, Eeyore is not riding today.
Outside of Hale we hit "Cobalt Hill," a hill so impressive, it's even got a name! More than a few dismounted and walked up.
An ambulance passed me slowly in the left lane, obviously searching for heart attack victims.
We peaked the hill and hit speeds of up to 40 mph as a reward on the downhill. There was the ambulance waiting at the bottom. Hmm? What could go wrong? Heavy cycle traffic at high speeds?
For a while the ambulance kept passing on the left and later parking up front. I started feeling like "Do I look that bad? I feel great! Why are you circling me like a turkey vulture?"
The headwinds were brisk today, but no whining. They blew the clouds over and when I finished, it was only 72 degrees.
Our route today was 64.3 miles and 1483 feet of climb. A cake walk compared to yesterday. A short ride tomorrow to the Mississippi and the finish line. Please join me as I put another ride across Iowa in the books.
Todd Moss